Our Pastors
Southridge is led by a group of paid and unpaid pastors entrusted with shepherding the church and its members, particularly in teaching, protecting, leading, discipling, equipping, and providing spiritual care.
As you have the need for prayer or guidance about difficult circumstances, have questions about faith or our church, or simply need a caring friend, the pastors of Southridge would be very happy to meet with you.

Taylor WhitmoreLead Pastor
Taylor Whitmore serves as Lead Pastor of Southridge Baptist Church. In this role, Taylor provides vision, leadership, and direction as Southridge aims to worship God passionately, connect with one another authentically, grow to know God deeply, and go, show and tell the Gospel boldly. Taylor is passionate about preaching the Word of God and shepherding the people of God, all to the glory of God.
Prior to coming to Southridge, Taylor served 3 years as a youth pastor in Cheyenne, Wy. and 1 year as a church revitalization resident in Denver, Co.. Taylor has a B.S. in Mathematics from Hannibal-Lagrange University and an M.A. in Theological Studies from Liberty University. Taylor is married to Jacquee and they have four sons: Ezra, Elias, Theodore, and Arwyn.
Brent McCunePastor
Brent McCune serves on the pastoral team at Southridge Baptist Church to feed, lead, know, and protect the flock of God entrusted to us at Southridge. He devotes the majority of his efforts toward care ministries, guiding the church’s prayer life, and administrative pastoral work. Brent has a particular passion for shepherding the suffering through the pains that draw us nearer to God’s mercies.
Before he arrived at Southridge, Brent received a Bachelor’s in Music Business at Southwest Baptist University, served as worship leader at three churches over 9 years, and served as a pastor at First Baptist, Sunrise Beach, Missouri, for 11 years. He has served at Southridge since April of 2021. Brent is married to Michelle McCune and has four children: Zoe, Laura, Ruth, and Charles.
Additional Staff
Dianna PriceAdministrative Secretary
In January 2023, I started working as an administrative assistant for Southridge and see my role here as a calling from God. God uses me as a support staff member to encourage and aid the Pastors and committee members to accomplish goals for Southridge. It is an honor to serve and look forward to seeing what God is doing in each of our lives.
I love my family and have three sons, six grandchildren, and six step-grandchildren. Recently, we kinda adopted a couple and their two children into our family. You might see me smiling in church as I hold their baby girl, Eli.
Over the years, I have taught numerous Bible classes including children and adults, many at WOW (Women On Wednesdays), held retreats, and spoken at a few conferences. As a teacher, I have probably grown more than the ladies in my classes. In case you didn’t know, I love Jesus and love speaking the truth about His love and grace!