Why we do Community Groups
Disciples of Jesus are called to connect with other disciples authentically. It is to be a regular pattern for followers of Jesus to eat together, pray together, discuss God’s Word together, and practice the “one-another” commands of scripture.
One way we encourage that to happen at Southridge is by having Community Groups. Community Groups are multi-generational groups of 15-25 people that meet on a semester schedule in both the fall and the spring. These groups gather in homes weekly to share a meal, discuss the sermon text preached from the previous Sunday morning service, and pray for one another. New creatures in Christ need a new community, and our prayer is that Community Groups serve that end.
The Sunday Community Group
Lead Shepherd: Michael Keller
Hosts: Tina Bryant
Where: 1814 Sun Meadow Lane
Jefferson City, MO 65109
When: The group begins on Sunday, February 2
5-7 pm
The Monday Community Group
Lead Shepherd: Dave Ellis
Hosts: Paul & Luanne Yarnell
Where: 8935 Kings Chapel Road
Centertown, MO 65023
When: The group begins on Monday, February 3
6-8 pm
The Thursday Community Group
Lead Shepherd: Jason Rivera
Hosts: Jason & Alex Rivera
Where: 923 Adams Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
When: The group begins on Thursday, February 6
6-8 pm